Effective Measure To Keep Eye Healthy

As we age, some of the bodily functions we once took for granted can become a little less reliable. It might be more difficult to hear, remember certain things, or just to bend down. Vision is not exempt from this degenerative process, which means it can become increasingly difficult for some people to see well as they age. And a growing body of research shows that this age-related deterioration in vision correlates to a decline in cognitive function, too. In other words: There is an eye-brain health connection.

A recent study published in JAMA Network Open, for example, followed individuals aged 60 to 94 whose vision and cognition were tested every one to four years for a span of approximately seven years. Researchers concluded that those whose vision scored poorly initially were more likely to experience problems with memory, attention, and other cognitive functions over time. To be clear, if you're born with a visual impairment or developed one earlier in life, your brain is able to adapt due to a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity, which is a type of flexibility that allows for growth and change, says neurologist Faye Begeti, MD, PhD. But neuroplasticity declines with age, she add, which is why later-onset vision loss can lead to cognitive decline.

It’s a very exciting time but, as with anything new, it might be a little intimidating too. After all, contact lenses are high-tech medical devices and your vision is one of your most valued senses. As such, it’s important to make good choices for the health and comfort of your eyes.

 Here are five tips designed to put you on the path to a lifetime of success with your new contact lenses.

 1. Relax: Lots of people worry that they’ll scratch their eyes while putting their lenses on or—worse—that the contact lens will get stuck behind their eye. Relax. Applying and removing lenses might make you nervous at first, but as awkward as it may seem, there is no need to be afraid to touch your eye as long as your hands are clean. Plus, the inside of your eyelids are connected to the back of your eye, so your lenses can’t possibly slip into an abyss. 

2. Keep lenses clean: For monthly/2-week products, don’t take shortcuts with lens cleaning. Your doctor will give you instructions that are specific to the lens care regime that is chosen for you. For example, if you are told to use a multipurpose solution every time you remove your lenses, you should rub and rinse and then place them into fresh solution. Don’t just top off the solution that’s already in the case. When you put your lenses on in the morning, empty out the case completely, rinse with fresh solution and leave it uncapped and upside down on a paper towel to air dry. Your lens case should be replaced every 3 months. Interested in a fresh pair of lenses every morning that doesn’t require cleaning? Ask your doctor for a daily disposable, such as Arogyam Clinic which is the Best Eye Specialist in Bhandup

3. Properly dispose of contact lenses and packaging: Depending on local recycling/sanitation vendors, the following can be included alongside other recyclable materials for regular pickup in ordinary bins. One of the most important tenants of recycling is to keep similar materials together, which makes sorting easier and prevents cross-contamination.

 4. Adhere to the prescribed wearing and replacement schedule: Don’t try to write your own rules. Wear your lenses only for the amount of time that your doctor says is safe and replace the lenses according to schedule. Don’t try to stretch out the life of your lenses an extra week or extra day. Also, unless you were specifically prescribed continuous wear lenses, you should never sleep in your contacts.

5. Style and Substance: Sunglasses, apart from increasing your style quotient protect your eyes from sunlight and UV rays. Avoid venturing out if the light is too strong. If you are into swimming, ensure that you jump in the pool only after wearing your swimming goggles.

 Interested in being more sustainable? Enquire at Arogyam Clinic’s Doctor Dr. Archana Chowdhry who is one of the Best Eye Specialist in BhandupWest 


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