Effective Measure To Keep Eye Healthy

As we age, some of the bodily functions we once took for granted can become a little less reliable. It might be more difficult to hear, remember certain things, or just to bend down. Vision is not exempt from this degenerative process, which means it can become increasingly difficult for some people to see well as they age. And a growing body of research shows that this age-related deterioration in vision correlates to a decline in cognitive function, too. In other words: There is an eye-brain health connection. A recent study published in JAMA Network Open, for example, followed individuals aged 60 to 94 whose vision and cognition were tested every one to four years for a span of approximately seven years. Researchers concluded that those whose vision scored poorly initially were more likely to experience problems with memory, attention, and other cognitive functions over time. To be clear, if you're born with a visual impairment or developed one earlier in life, your brain is abl...